Raleigh, North Carolina
Post-Care Instructions
Refrain from washing the treated area for at least 12 hours after your procedure. Once you do start showering and cleansing the area be careful not to scrub or massage the area for 3-4 weeks.
No facials or use of items such as motorized cleansing devices or current devices like a Nuface for 3-4 weeks and no exfoliation products.
Avoid strenuous exercise for about a week
Avoid extreme temperatures for about a week including saunas and hot tubs
Do not overstretch the treated area ie. opening the mouth wide for 4 weeks. Avoid dental procedures for a month if possible if your threads are near your mouth or jawline
Do not have laser procedures, radiofrequency or IPL near the treated area for 10 weeks.
No microneedling for at least 6-8 weeks post threads.
If you develop any redness, heat or other signs of infection contact your provider right away. On occasion a thread can protrude. If that happens also contact your provider.
An oral antibiotic is usually not required unless an infection is suspected
If you experience some discomfort Tylenol is recommended. Avoid anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen as they can suppress collagen formation.