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VI Peel Post-Care 

Treatment Day 1

Do not wash, touch or apply make-up to treated areas for 4-6 hours.

In the rare case an adverse reaction develops prior to the 4 hour time period, Contact our Derma Health Provider. (ex. Hives, excessive inflammation, etc)  Cleanse treated areas with mild cleanser like Green Tea or over-the-counter Cetaphil and water. Apply cool gauze to treatment areas.

After the 4-6 hours have passed:

  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

  4. Apply a layer of V.I. SPF 55

  5. Mineral Make-Up may be applied


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

Day 2 and 3

The first and second day after your office appointment


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

  4. Apply a layer of V.I. SPF 55

  5. Mineral Make-Up may be applied


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

  4. Apply a layer of V.I. SPF 55

  5. Mineral Make-Up may be applied


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply one of the moist V.I. Peel Precision Plus post peel towelette (Light Green). Swipe over the entire peeled surface. Avoid contact with the eyes

    • If discomfort or reaction occurs, cleanse the areas with a gentle cleanser and water. Apply the V.I. Post Peel Protect and ice. You may also take ibuprofen. Do not continue to step 4

  4. 30 minutes after applying the Light Green towelette, apply one of the V.I. Peel Post Peel towelette (Dark Green).  Swipe over the entire peeled surface.

    • If discomfort or reaction occurs, cleanse the areas with a gentle cleanser and water.  Apply the V.I. Post Peel Protect and ice. You may also take ibuprofen.

  5. 15 minutes after applying the towelettes, apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

Day 4, 5, 6 and 7


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

  4. Apply a layer of V.I. SPF 55

  5. Mineral Make-Up may be applied


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

  4. Apply a layer of V.I. SPF 55

  5. Mineral Make-Up may be applied


  1. Cleanse once with mild cleanser as above

  2. Pat dry

  3. Apply a thin layer of the V.I. Post Peel Protectant (Moisturizer)

Day 8 and Beyond

Start Regular daily skin care regimen

  • NOTE:  When peeling begins, DO NOT SCRUB, PICK OR PULL AT SKIN. Scrubbing, picking, or pulling at skin can result in infections, redness, irritation, or hyperpigmentation.  Permanent damage can be caused to the skin.

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